Friday, January 27, 2012

The first week of December each year is observed as the Training and Development Week The theme for this year was “ Giving Customer Orientation to our Systems “. The final of the 12th All India DAD Quiz Contest was held on 9th December, 2011 where as per tradition the six winners from different zonal rounds - teams from PCDA (SC), Pune, CDA (R&D), Hyderabad, CFA (Fys), BGF, Ishapore, CFA (Fys), Jabalpur, PCDA, New Delhi and CDA (PD), Meerut - competed with each other. The team from PCDA (SC), Pune represented by Shri P K Rai, IDAS, DCDA, Shri H K Srivastava, AAO, Shri K G Subramaniam, Sr. Auditor, Shri Sushil Kumar Jha, Auditor emerged as the winner whereas the team from CDA (R&D), Hyderabad represented by Shri K V Muralidhar, AO, Shri G N Nagaraju, AAO, Shri S Vijaya Bhaskar Rao, Sr. Auditor, Dr. Raj Narayan Awasthi, Junior Hindi Translator was the first runner-up. The team from CFA (Fys), BGF, Ishapore represented by Shri J P Kundu, IDAS, ACFA (Fys), Shri Deepak Das, AAO, Shri A K Ghosal, Sr Auditor, Shri A N Bhattacharjee, Sr Auditor. The winning team and the runners-up team were felicitated with rolling trophies and cash prizes by Shri Nand Kishore, IDAS, CGDA. Prizes were also given to the winners of the essay and debate contest.
On this occasion the first Annual Report of the Defence Accounts Department was also released by the CGDA.
On this occasion the first Annual Report of the Defence Accounts Department was also released by the CGDA.

1. A course on Defence Financial Management for 36 Army officers of Northern Command was conducted by RTC, Meerut at Srinagar from 28th November, 2011 to 2nd December, 2011. The inaugural and valedictory address at this course was delivered by Col. Prateek Sahai, HQ 31 Sub area and Col. R S Rana, HQrs 15 Corps respectively.
The lectures at the course were delivered by Brigadier Dilawar Singh, DDG, Financial Planning, Army HQrs, Shri Sanjay Mishra, IRS, Commissioner of Income Tax (Appeals), Jammu, Shri Ashok K Arya, IC&CES, Addl. Director General, NACEN, Faridabad, Army Officers and officers from SBI, Test Audit & DAD. The participating officers appreciated the course and found it very useful.
2. A 3 day Defence Financial Management Course for 37 Army officers posted in Army HQrs. was organized at CENTRAD, Delhi Cantt from 27th to 29th July, 2011. Sessions were organized on DPM- 2009, Procurement under DPP-2008, delegation of financial powers and their management, IFA system and structure etc. On the last day of the course, CDs containing all the presentations made by the guest speakers were given to all the participants alongwith certificates. The course was found very useful by the officers.
3. A 3 day Defence Financial Management Course for Air Force Officers posted in Air HQrs. was conducted at CENTRAD from 22nd to 24th November, 2011. Some of the topics dealt during the course were Procurement under DPP-2011, preparation and processing of modernization proposals of AF, aspects/details required by the IFA to process the cases etc. The session on FMS (Foreign Military Sales Route) was delivered by the officers from US embassy. All the officers found the course very useful.
The lectures at the course were delivered by Brigadier Dilawar Singh, DDG, Financial Planning, Army HQrs, Shri Sanjay Mishra, IRS, Commissioner of Income Tax (Appeals), Jammu, Shri Ashok K Arya, IC&CES, Addl. Director General, NACEN, Faridabad, Army Officers and officers from SBI, Test Audit & DAD. The participating officers appreciated the course and found it very useful.
2. A 3 day Defence Financial Management Course for 37 Army officers posted in Army HQrs. was organized at CENTRAD, Delhi Cantt from 27th to 29th July, 2011. Sessions were organized on DPM- 2009, Procurement under DPP-2008, delegation of financial powers and their management, IFA system and structure etc. On the last day of the course, CDs containing all the presentations made by the guest speakers were given to all the participants alongwith certificates. The course was found very useful by the officers.
3. A 3 day Defence Financial Management Course for Air Force Officers posted in Air HQrs. was conducted at CENTRAD from 22nd to 24th November, 2011. Some of the topics dealt during the course were Procurement under DPP-2011, preparation and processing of modernization proposals of AF, aspects/details required by the IFA to process the cases etc. The session on FMS (Foreign Military Sales Route) was delivered by the officers from US embassy. All the officers found the course very useful.

A 55-day, SAS apprentice training was organized at CENTRAD, Brar Sqaure, New Delhi and the RTCs of Pune, Meerut and Lucknow. The training module for SAS apprentices was designed in a manner as to enable the new entrants to have a holistic introduction to the department’s charter of duties and a basic knowledge of their official duties. About 138 SAS (A) benefited from this course.At CENTRAD the course was held from 18th July, 2011 to 05th October, 2011 for 41 SAS apprentices. 30 newly recruited SAS (A) were trained from 13th June, 2011 to 30th August, 2011 at RTC, Pune. At Pune, the SAS apprentices got an opportunity to display their cultural talent too. At RTC, Lucknow the training was held from 10th October, 2011 to 2nd January, 2012 for 31 SAS (A). At Meerut a batch of 36 SAS (A) have already been trained and another batch is still undergoing training .
A DPDO – OTI complex at Sector –44 Gurgaon was inaugurated by the then CGDA Shri Nand Kishore on 12th September, 2011. Spread across a plot measuring 2100 sq. metres the foundation for this was laid by Smt. Bulbul Ghosh, the then CGDA on 28th May, 2009. The office of DPDO Gurgaon, functioning under the aegis of CDA (PD), Meerut , which was earlier operating from a rented accommodation shifted to the ground floor of the new premises on 20th October, 2011.
The three storied building has a dedicated parking in the basement. The Officers’ Training Institute is located on the first floor. The second floor has fourteen rooms meant for transit accommodation and the third floor has a two roomed guest house. The plot was purchased from HUDA at a total cost of Rs. 2.1 crores and the project for this complex was sanctioned for Rs. 958.32 lakhs. CCE (R&D) , North Delhi Cantt was the executing agency for this project.
The three storied building has a dedicated parking in the basement. The Officers’ Training Institute is located on the first floor. The second floor has fourteen rooms meant for transit accommodation and the third floor has a two roomed guest house. The plot was purchased from HUDA at a total cost of Rs. 2.1 crores and the project for this complex was sanctioned for Rs. 958.32 lakhs. CCE (R&D) , North Delhi Cantt was the executing agency for this project.
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