The first week of December each year is observed as the Training and Development Week The theme for this year was “ Giving Customer Orientation to our Systems “. The final of the 12th All India DAD Quiz Contest was held on 9th December, 2011 where as per tradition the six winners from different zonal rounds - teams from PCDA (SC), Pune, CDA (R&D), Hyderabad, CFA (Fys), BGF, Ishapore, CFA (Fys), Jabalpur, PCDA, New Delhi and CDA (PD), Meerut - competed with each other. The team from PCDA (SC), Pune represented by Shri P K Rai, IDAS, DCDA, Shri H K Srivastava, AAO, Shri K G Subramaniam, Sr. Auditor, Shri Sushil Kumar Jha, Auditor emerged as the winner whereas the team from CDA (R&D), Hyderabad represented by Shri K V Muralidhar, AO, Shri G N Nagaraju, AAO, Shri S Vijaya Bhaskar Rao, Sr. Auditor, Dr. Raj Narayan Awasthi, Junior Hindi Translator was the first runner-up. The team from CFA (Fys), BGF, Ishapore represented by Shri J P Kundu, IDAS, ACFA (Fys), Shri Deepak Das, AAO, Shri A K Ghosal, Sr Auditor, Shri A N Bhattacharjee, Sr Auditor. The winning team and the runners-up team were felicitated with rolling trophies and cash prizes by Shri Nand Kishore, IDAS, CGDA. Prizes were also given to the winners of the essay and debate contest.
On this occasion the first Annual Report of the Defence Accounts Department was also released by the CGDA.
On this occasion the first Annual Report of the Defence Accounts Department was also released by the CGDA.
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