The XVII meeting of the Apex Level Advisory Council (ALAC) was held at RTC, Bangalore on 06th June, 2008. The meeting was chaired by Ms. Bulbul Ghosh, IDAS, CGDA and attended by Dr S K Sharma, IDAS, PCDA (HRD), Shri J Natarajan, IDAS, PCDA (Lucknow), Shri T S Kripanidhi, IDAS, Jt. CGDA (Trg-II), Shri Alok Chaturvedi, IDAS, Director, NADFM, Pune, Shri Sanjeev Kumar, IDAS, Jt. CGDA(AN),Shri Avinash Dixit, IDAS, CDA(Army), Meerut, and Shri K Satheesh Babu, IDAS, CDA(R&D), Bangalore,. Shri T S Kripanidhi, IDAS, Jt. CGDA (Trg-II) welcomed the members of the ALAC and made a brief reference to the agenda points received from PCsDA / CsDA in-charge of RTCs and the agenda points of Training Division, Office of CGDA.
The Chairperson in her opening remarks stated that training occupies an important position in any department and its momentum must always be sustained in accordance with the clients’ requirements. But despite its importance and efforts by ALAC, RTCs and CTCs we have been unable to measure the impact of training on the Department; and a system for doing so needs to be put in place.
In the meeting presentations were made by PCDA and Controllers of RTC, Lucknow ,RTC, Bangalore, NADFM & RTC, Pune, and RTC, Meerut on the activities of their respective RTCs.
Some of the important agenda points discussed during the meeting related to upward revision of annual ceiling limit in payment of honorarium to guest faculty for delivering lectures in RTCs, selection of faculty, sponsoring of AAOs/AOs/SAOs for external courses, conduct of course on RTI, redefining of training imparted to supervisory level officers, perennial shortage of faculty, upgradation of RTC libraries to reference libraries, strengthening of CTCs for in-house training, etc.The meeting ended with vote of thanks to the chair and all members.
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