The theme for the Training and Development Week 2008 was “Facing challenges and achieving excellence through Human Resource Development”. This was celebrated in offices of all the PCsDA and CsDA in the first week of December. Various programmes viz. quiz contest, debate and essay competitions were organized in all the offices.
As the culminating part of the Training and Development Week the 9th Annual DAD Quiz was held at Training Division, Brar Square, Delhi Cantt on 05th December, 2008. The programme started with an invocation. Six (6) teams from CDA (BR), New Delhi, CFA (Fys) BGF, Ishapore, CFA (Fys) Kirkee, Pune, CFA (Fys) Avadi, CDA (PD), Meerut, PCDA (CC), Lucknow who had won the Regional Quiz Contests at different RTCS participated in the final round. The team from CFA (Fys.), Avadi emerged as the winner, followed by CFA (Fys. ) Ishapore. The quiz was conducted by Quiz Masters Shri Vishrut Abhinna, Jt. IFA (Army - O) and Smt. Reena Tandon, Jt. CDA (Project Sea Bird). They were assisted by Shri Neeraj Gupta & Shri Vimlendu Kumar for presenting the questions and timing the responses. It was for the first time that one round on “ Rajbhasa Hindi “ was introduced in the Annual DAD Quiz.
Speaking on the occasion the CGDA said that these quiz contests so far have remained restricted to knowledge related to our department but hoped that from now onwards, the quiz would expand to cover knowledge of our defence services too. She advised all Controllers and IFA’s to make useful contribution towards making a fairly comprehensive question bank with 1 word / 1 line answers. This she said, apart from raising the quality of quiz would raise the knowledge levels of our staff and officers too which is necessary for achieving higher efficiency and accountability.
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